
1. System Overview

The RosettaCNC System is composed of 4 main parts:

  1. The CNC Board.
  2. The Control Software.
  3. The Communications Service.
  4. The Plugin Industry 4.0 (optional).

1.1 The CNC Board

The CNC Board, or simply the “Board”, is a complete CNC controller built over a proprietary powerful Industrial Real-Time Operating System called QMOS.
It contains all features to manage independently the Axes Interpolations, the Smoothing Engine, Jerk Control, and RTCP algorithms, the Digitals and Analogs I/O, the Modbus, and EtherCAT Fieldbus, and so on.
The Board communicates with the other parts of the system using a fast and secure multi-port ETH connection.

1.2 The Control Software

The Control Software is a powerful UI Environment, for Windows OS used to manage and program the Board.
Through the Control Software, you can load and create the G-Code programs, configure and monitor the Board, and simulate/analyze a program with virtual machines before running it with the Board.

1.3 The Plugin Industry 4.0

To meet the requirements of Industry 4.0 a dedicated plugin for RosettaCNC has been developed.
With this plugin your CNC can:

Using the OPC-UA protocol almost all CNC data can be read from a standard OPC-UA client.