
2. G-Code variables

Rosetta CNC supports Macro programming (following Fanuc Macro B style).
Your G-Code programs or sub-programs can include a few non-G-Code commands that use variables, arithmetic, logic statements, and looping are available.

Rosetta CNC supports 7000 variables that can be accessed from the G-code. These variables are divided into 5 groups as described in the following table.

Variable Number Type of Variable Function
#0 Null #0 is read-only and its value is always “null” that means “no value”.
#1-#33 Local Variables Local variables are used to pass arguments to macros and as temporary scratch storage.
#100-#499 Input Variables The value of these variables can be set by the user through the GUI and the value in the table will never be changed by the controller.
#500-#3999 Program Variables The value of these variables can be read/write by G-code programs and are initialized with #0 before executing a program.
#4000-#4999 Shared Variables The value of these variables is shared between the GUI interface and the controller.
The result is that if during a program one of these variables is changed the user can see the updated final value in the table.
#5000-#5999 System Variables Updated run time by the compiler
#6000-#6999 Protected Variables Variables that can be modified by the user only before compilation and that are password protected. A G-code program can only read these variables and not write them.

2.1 System variables description

System Variable Meaning
Current Position Variables Current Position variables Meaning
5001-5006 Current TCP position X – C See position information table
5081-5086 Current TCP position when restarting X - C
5091-5093 Last stop position X, Y, Z [inches or mm depending on parameter 5106]
5094-5096 Last stop position A, B, C
Active G-codes Variables Active G-codes Variables Meaning
5100 Sequence number of lines executed
5101 Group 01: G0, G1, G2, G3, G38.X, G73, G80, G81, G82, G83, G84, G85, G86, G87, G88, G89
5102 Group 02: G17, G18, G19
5103 Group 03: G90, G91
5104 Group 04: G90.1, G91.1
5105 Group 05: G93, G94
5106 Group 06: G20, G21
5107 Group 07: G40, G41, G41.1, G42, G42.1
5108 Group 08: G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49
5110 Group 10: G98, G99
5111 Group 11: G50, G51
5112 Group 12: G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59, G59.1, G59.2, G59.3
5113 Group 13: G61, G61.1, G64
5116 Group 16: G68, G69
5117 Group 17: G15, G16
Other codes Other codes meaning
5120 Interpolated-Grouprd axes mask. Value is a bitmask where bit 1 represents X axis, bit 2 Y axis, ..
5127 Active jerk [%]
5128 Active max acceleration [mm/s^2 or inches/s^2] (0 means use the maximum acceleration)
5129 Active max deceleration [mm/s^2 or inches/s^2] (0 means use the maximum deceleration)
5130 Active feed rate (F)
5131 Active spindle speed (S)
5132 Selected tool (T)
5133 Selected slot
5134 Current tool
5135 Current slot
5136 Active feed rate override mode, P argument of M50
5137 Active spindle speed override mode, P argument of M51
5138 Active traverse rate: target speed during G0 commands. 0 means use the maximum possible speed. [mm/s^2 or inches/s^2]
5139 Active user tool change procedure: 1 means procedure active (Between M107 and M108)
5140 Tolerance set with G64 P
5141 Points removal threshold set with G64 Q
5148 While a modal macro is active it stores how many times a modal macro (G66) has been called.
5149 Executing sub-program. Flag set to 1 while G-code is executing a sub-program called from the main program.
Active M-codes Active M-codes meaning
5150 M0, M2, M30, M47, M60
5151 M3, M4, M5
5152 M6, M106
5153 M7, M9
5154 M8, M9
5155 M48, M49, M51
5156 M48, M49, M51
G28, G28.1 Variables G28, G28.1 Variables Meaning
5161 G28.1 position X
5162 G28.1 position Y
5163 G28.1 position Z
5164 G28.1 position A
5165 G28.1 position B
5166 G28.1 position C
G30, G30.1 Variables G30, G30.1 Variables Meaning
5181 G30.1 position X
5182 G30.1 position Y
5183 G30.1 position Z
5184 G30.1 position A
5185 G30.1 position B
5186 G30.1 position C
WCS Offsets Variables WCS Offsets Variables Meaning
5201 - 5206 G52 offset X - C
5210 G92 enabled (0 ÷ 1)
5211 - 5216 G92 offset X - C
WCS Variables WCS Variables Meaning
5220 Coord. System number
5221 - 5226 Coord. System 1 X – C
5241 - 5246 Coord. System 2 X – C
5261 - 5266 Coord. System 3 X – C
5281 - 5286 Coord. System 4 X – C
5301 - 5306 Coord. System 5 X – C
5321 - 5326 Coord. System 6 X – C
5341 - 5346 Coord. System 7 X – C
5361 - 5366 Coord. System 8 X – C
5381 - 5386 Coord. System 9 X – C
Tool Variables Tool Variables Meaning
5400 Current tool id
5401 Current tool offset X
5402 Current tool offset Y
5403 Current tool offset Z / Current tool length
5410 Current tool diameter
5411 Current tool type
5412 Current tool parameter 1
5413 Current tool parameter 2
5414 Current tool parameter 3
5420 Tool compensation offset X (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5421 Tool compensation offset Y (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5422 Tool compensation offset Z (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5423 Tool compensation offset A (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5424 Tool compensation offset B (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5425 Tool compensation offset C (Set using G43, G43.1, G43.2, G43.4, G43.7, G49)
5426 The id of the tool used for tool compensation, both normal(G43, G43.1, G43.2) and RTCP (G43.4, G43.7)
5427 The type of the tool used for tool compensation
Scaling & Rotation Variables Scaling and Rotation Variables Meaning
5501 G51 scaling factor X
5502 G51 scaling factor Y
5503 G51 scaling factor Z
5504 G51 offset X
5505 G51 offset Y
5506 G51 offset Z
5510 G68 rotation plane
5511 G68 rotation XY
5512 G68 rotation XZ
5513 G68 rotation YZ
5514 G68 offset X
5515 G68 offset Y
5516 G68 offset Z
Runtime External Variables Runtime External Variables Meaning
5700 Probe state at the end of a G38.X. Values: 1 probing procedure succeeded, -1 failed: sensor not tripped before reaching the target position, -2 failed: sensor already tripped
5701 - 5706 Probed position loaded at the end of a G38.X with respect to the active WCS See position information table
5711 - 5716 Probed position X - C loaded at the end of a G38.X with respect to machine coordinates See position information table
5720 Return value for M66
5721 Return value for M109 and M120
5722 Status of the last M66 (0 → Success, 1 → Failure)
5730-5734 User input values from M109 or M120
5735-5739 User input values from M109 or M120
5740-5744 Input values for M166 and M167
5745-5749 Input values for M166 and M167
5750-5754 Input values for M166 and M167
5755-5759 Input values for M166 and M167
Parameters Related Variables Parameters Related Variables (Set using G10 L100 P<param> V<value>)
5800 The motion mode used when G66 is enabled (0 → G0; 1 → G1)
5801 Rotary axis modulus used for the rollover
5802 Axis A rotary mode (see Rotary axis options)
5803 Axis B rotary mode (see Rotary axis options)
5804 Axis C rotary mode (see Rotary axis options)
Restart related position variables Meaning
5091-5096 Last stop positions. X,Y and Z in inches or mm depending on parameter 5106 and A,B,C in deg

2.2 Named variables

Named variables work like normal numbered variables but are easier to read.

2.2.1 Global and local scopes

A named parameter whose name starts with _ is local to the scope in which it is created. A local named variable vanishes when its scope is left. Indeed, when a local variable is declared in a subroutine and the subroutine returns, the variable is deleted and cannot be referred to anymore.

2.2.2 Indexing support

Both global and local variables support indexing with a syntax similar to C style arrays.
Every expression between brackets ([,]) in a variable name is evaluated by the G-code interpreter.


2.2.3 Pre-defined Named Parameters

The G-Code compiler has a pre-defined set of read-only named parameters which can be useful in the Program/Macro/MDI editing.
There are nine groups:

  1. #<> which contains info about the system.
  2. #<> which contains usefull math constants.
  3. #<> which contains some of CNC setup settings.
  4. #<> which contains the compile enums.
  5. #<> which contains the kinematics enums.
  6. #<> which contains the axis enums.
  7. #<> which contains the tool enums.
  8. #<> which contains the probe enums.
  9. #<wait_input> which contains the M66 wait enums.
  10. #<> which contains the ATCM enums.
Named Variable Description
#<sys.version.major> The major version of CNC Core System (e.g. returns 0 of version)
#<sys.version.minor> The minor version of CNC Core System (e.g. returns 3 of version)
#<sys.version.release> The release version of CNC Core System (e.g. returns 7 of version)
#<> The build version of CNC Core System (e.g. returns 167 of version)
#<sys.customer_id> The customer ID (usually values 0)
#<sys.interface_level> Interface Level (for Control Software 1.9.2 will be 9)
#<sys.ui.units_mode> User Interface units mode:
20 = Imperial (in)
21 = Metric (mm)

#<math.max> Max value (1.7e+308)
#<math.min> Min value (5e-324)
#<math.nan> NaN value (-NAN)
#<math.infinity> Infinity value (+INF)
#<math.neg_infinity> Negative infinity value (-NAN)
#<math.e> Euler's number (2.7182818284590452354)
#<math.pi> Archimedes constant (3.14159274101257324218)
#<math.ln_2> Natural Log of 2 (0.69314718055994530942)
#<math.ln_10> Natural Log of 10 (2.30258509299404568402)
#<math.ln_pi> Natural Log of pi (1.14472988584940017414)
#<math.to_mm> Factor to convert inches to mm (25.4)
#<math.to_in> Factor to convert mm to inches (1/25.4)
#<math.to_rad> Factor to convert deg to rad (PI/180)
#<math.to_deg> Factor to convert rad to deg (180/PI)

#<cnc.compile.mode> Describes the modality of G-Code compilation (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.compile.line> Contains the staring G-Code line for the compile modes #<compile.mode_program_from_line> and #<compile.mode_program_for_resume_from_line>

#<cnc.machine_type> Machine Type:
0 = Mill
#<cnc.kinematics_model> Describes the Kinematics Model in use (see #<> section for a detailed description)

#<cnc.x.type> X Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.x.max_vel> X Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.x.acc> X Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.x.min_lim> X Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.x.max_lim> X Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.y.type> Y Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.y.max_vel> Y Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.y.acc> Y Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.y.min_lim> Y Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.y.max_lim> Y Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.z.type> Z Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.z.max_vel> Z Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.z.acc> Z Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.z.min_lim> Z Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.z.max_lim> Z Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.a.type> A Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.a.max_vel> A Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.a.acc> A Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.a.min_lim> A Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.a.max_lim> A Axis Max Limit [mm]
#<cnc.a.motion_mode> A Axis Motion Mode:
0 = Continuous
1 = Indexing
#<cnc.a.convention> A Axis Convention:
0 = Normal
1 = Inverse
#<cnc.a.wrapped_rotary> A Axis Wrapped Rotary State:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
#<cnc.a.parallel_to> A Axis Parallet to:
0 = X
1 = Y
2 = Z
#<cnc.a.origin_mode> A Axis Origin Mode:
0 = Custom
1 = WCS 1 - G54
2 = WCS 2 - G55
3 = WCS 3 - G56
4 = WCS 4 - G57
5 = WCS 5 - G58
6 = WCS 6 - G59
7 = WCS 7 - G59.1
8 = WCS 8 - G59.2
9 = WCS 9 - G59.3
#<cnc.a.origin_x> A Axis Origin X [mm]
#<cnc.a.origin_y> A Axis Origin Y [mm]
#<cnc.a.origin_z> A Axis Origin Z [mm]

#<cnc.b.type> B Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.b.max_vel> B Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.b.acc> B Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.b.min_lim> B Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.b.max_lim> B Axis Max Limit [mm]
#<cnc.b.motion_mode> B Axis Motion Mode:
0 = Continuous
1 = Indexing
#<cnc.b.convention> B Axis Convention:
0 = Normal
1 = Inverse
#<cnc.b.wrapped_rotary> B Axis Wrapped Rotary State:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
#<cnc.b.parallel_to> B Axis Parallet to:
0 = X
1 = Y
2 = Z
#<cnc.b.origin_mode> B Axis Origin Mode:
0 = Custom
1 = WCS 1 - G54
2 = WCS 2 - G55
3 = WCS 3 - G56
4 = WCS 4 - G57
5 = WCS 5 - G58
6 = WCS 6 - G59
7 = WCS 7 - G59.1
8 = WCS 8 - G59.2
9 = WCS 9 - G59.3
#<cnc.b.origin_x> B Axis Origin X [mm]
#<cnc.b.origin_y> B Axis Origin Y [mm]
#<cnc.b.origin_z> B Axis Origin Z [mm]

#<cnc.c.type> C Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.c.max_vel> C Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.c.acc> C Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.c.min_lim> C Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.c.max_lim> C Axis Max Limit [mm]
#<cnc.c.motion_mode> C Axis Motion Mode:
0 = Continuous
1 = Indexing
#<cnc.c.convention> C Axis Convention:
0 = Normal
1 = Inverse
#<cnc.c.wrapped_rotary> C Axis Wrapped Rotary State:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
#<cnc.c.parallel_to> C Axis Parallet to:
0 = X
1 = Y
2 = Z
#<cnc.c.origin_mode> C Axis Origin Mode:
0 = Custom
1 = WCS 1 - G54
2 = WCS 2 - G55
3 = WCS 3 - G56
4 = WCS 4 - G57
5 = WCS 5 - G58
6 = WCS 6 - G59
7 = WCS 7 - G59.1
8 = WCS 8 - G59.2
9 = WCS 9 - G59.3
#<cnc.c.origin_x> C Axis Origin X [mm]
#<cnc.c.origin_y> C Axis Origin Y [mm]
#<cnc.c.origin_z> C Axis Origin Z [mm]

#<cnc.u.type> U Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.u.max_vel> U Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.u.acc> U Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.u.min_lim> U Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.u.max_lim> U Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.v.type> V Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.v.max_vel> V Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.v.acc> V Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.v.min_lim> V Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.v.max_lim> V Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.w.type> W Axis Type (see #<> section for a detailed description)
#<cnc.w.max_vel> W Axis Max Velocity [mm/min]
#<cnc.w.acc> W Axis Acceleration [mm/s²]
#<cnc.w.min_lim> W Axis Min Limit [mm]
#<cnc.w.max_lim> W Axis Max Limit [mm]

#<cnc.spindle.max_speed> Spindle Max Speed [rpm]

#<cnc.rotary_table.d_x> Rotary Table D:X [mm]
#<cnc.rotary_table.d_y> Rotary Table D:Y [mm]
#<cnc.rotary_table.d_z> Rotary Table D:Z [mm]

#<cnc.tilting_spindle.h_x> Tilting Spindle H:X [mm]
#<cnc.tilting_spindle.h_y> Tilting Spindle H:Y [mm]
#<cnc.tilting_spindle.h_z> Tilting Spindle H:Z [mm]
#<cnc.tilting_spindle.j_x> Tilting Spindle J:X [mm]
#<cnc.tilting_spindle.j_y> Tilting Spindle J:Y [mm]
#<cnc.tilting_spindle.j_z> Tilting Spindle J:Z [mm]

#<compile.mode_mdi> The G-Code compiler is compiling an MDI command
#<compile.mode_macro> The G-Code compiler is compiling a Macro (from User Input or a Top Toolbar Button)
#<compile.mode_program> The G-Code compiler is compiling the main Program
#<compile.mode_program_from_line> The G-Code compiler is compiling the main Program starting from a specified line of code
#<compile.mode_program_for_resume> The G-Code compiler is compiling the main Program for a RESUME command after a STOP command
#<compile.mode_program_for_resume_from_line> The G-Code compiler is compiling the main Program for a RESUME from specific line after a STOP command
#<compile.mode_program_for_analysis'> The G-Code compiler is compiling the main Program for analysis

#<kinematics.model.trivial> Kinematics Model: Trivial (0)
#<kinematics.model.independent_rot_axes> Kinematics Model: Independent Rotational Axes (1)
#<kinematics.model.rotary_table_ac> Kinematics Model: Rotary Table AC (2)
#<kinematics.model.rotary_table_bc> Kinematics Model: Rotary Table BC (3)
#<kinematics.model.tilting_spindle_ca> Kinematics Model: Tilting Spindle CA (4)
#<kinematics.model.tilting_spindle_ab> Kinematics Model: Tilting Spindle AB (5)

#<axis.type.disabled> Axis Type: Disabled (0)
#<axis.type.linear> Axis Type: Linear (1)
#<axis.type.rotary_free> Axis Type: Rotary Free (2)
#<axis.type.rotary_head> Axis Type: Rotary Head (3)
#<axis.type.rotary_table> Axis Type: Rotary Table (4)
#<axis.type.gantry_1> Axis Type: Gantry 1 (5)
#<axis.type.gantry_2> Axis Type: Gantry 2 (6)

#<tool.type.generic> Tool Type: Generic (0)
#<tool.type.flat_end_mill> Tool Type: Flat End Mill (1)
#<tool.type.ball_nose_end_mill> Tool Type: Ball Nose End Mill (2)
#<tool.type.drill> Tool Type: Drill (3)
#<tool.type.probe> Tool Type: Probe (4)
#<tool.type.saw> Tool Type: Saw (5)
#<tool.type.plasma> Tool Type: Plasma (6)
#<tool.type.drag_knife> Tool Type: Drag Knife (7)
#<tool.type.lathe> Tool Type: Lathe (8)

#<probe.state.succeed> Probe State: Succeeded (0). Probe state is available at #5700.
#<probe.state.not_tripped> Probe State: Not Tripped (-1). Probe state is available at #5700.
#<probe.state.already_tripped> Probe State: Already Tripped (-2). Probe state is available at #5700.
#<probe.state.not_yet_executed> Probe State: Not Yet Executed (#0 or <#<math.nan>). Probe state is available at #5700.

#<wait_input.low> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to reach the LOW state (0)
#<wait_input.high> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to reach the HIGH state (1)
#<wait_input.fall> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to perform a FALL event (2)
#<wait_input.rise> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to perform a RISE event (3)
#<wait_input.immediate> M66 L parameter: Return immediately and the input value is stored in #5720 (4)
#<wait_input.alarm_low> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to reach the LOW state and generate a CNC alarm if timeout elapses while waiting (10)
#<wait_input.alarm_high> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to reach the HIGH state and generate a CNC alarm if timeout elapses while waiting (11)
#<wait_input.alarm_fall> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to perform a FALL event and generate a CNC alarm if timeout elapses while waiting (12)
#<wait_input.alarm_rise> M66 L parameter: Waits for the selected input to perform a RISE event and generate a CNC alarm if timeout elapses while waiting (13)
#<wait_input.succees> Status of the last M66 in #5722: “Wait Input” operation ended with success state (0)
#<wait_input.failure> Status of the last M66 in #5722: “Wait Input” operation ended with failure state (1)

#<pick_place.mode_pick> ATCM panel called the macro atcm_pick_place_tool.ngc for a PICK action
#<pick_place.mode_place> ATCM panel called the macro atcm_pick_place_tool.ngc for a PLACE action
#<pick_place.mode_place_pick> ATCM panel called the macro atcm_pick_place_tool.ngc for a PLACE and PICK action

2.2.4 Examples

G17 G21 G40 G49 G80 G90
; Create a global variable named "variable1".
#<variable1>  = 123
; Create a local variable named "_variable2".
#<_variable2>  = 456
; Use the global variable in a comparison.
IF [#<variable1> EQ 123] THEN1
    ; Use the global variable as target position.
    G1 X#<variable1>
; Call the subroutine O1000
M98 P1000
; Use the global variable whose value has been updated by the subroutine.
G1 X#<variable1>
; Use the local variable as the target position.
; Since it is a local variable its value has remained 456 and it has not been changed by the subroutine.
G1 Y#<_variable2>
; You can check for the existence of a named parameter
IF [EXISTS[#<_variable2>]] THEN2
    M109 P"Named parameter _variable2 exists and its value is #<_variable2>."
; Call the subroutine O1002 as a macro to pass the arguments A and B
G65 P1002 A0 B0
; Named variables indexing support.
#1 = 0
#<_index> = 1
; Every expression between brackets is evaluated by the G-code interpreter.
#<array[#<_index>]> = 12
#<array[#1+2]>= 34
; Multiple brackets groups can be used to mimic tables.
#<array[#1][2]>= 78
; Indexed named variables value can be printed using messages.
M109 P"array[1]=#<array[#<_index>]> array[2]=#<array[#1+2]> array[0][2]=#<array[#1][2]>"
; Define the subroutine O1000
    ; Update the global variable
    #<variable1>  = 987
    ; Create a local variable named "_variable2".
    ; The scope of this variable is local:
    ; It does not refer to the variable "_variable2" created outside of this subroutine
    #<_variable2>  = 789
    ; Use the global variable as target position.
    G1 Y#<_variable2>
; Define the subroutine O1002.
; This subroutine expects to be called as a macro (using G65) because it expects 2 arguments.
    IF [EXISTS[#<_args.c>] EQ 0] THEN4
        ; The argument C is not defined therefore we can initialise it to a default value.
        ; This way we can handle optional arguments.
        #<_args.c> = 10
        G1 X10
    IF [#<_args.a> EQ 0] THEN1
        IF [#<_args.b> EQ 0] THEN2
        IF [#<_args.b> EQ 0] THEN3