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3. Macro programming

Rosetta CNC supports Macro programming (following Fanuc Macro B style).

Your G-code programs or sub-programs can include a few non G-code commands that use:

Subroutines, Macros and WHILE statements can be nested up to 100 times.

The following example provide an overview of the supported macro programming features.

G0 x0 y0 z0
G1 x100
; G-code subroutines support
; To invoke a subroutine type "M98 P<subroutine id> L<repetitions>".
; The following line invoke the subroutine with id 1 for 2 times.
M98 P1 L2
; Numbered external G-code subroutine call
M98 P101 L2
; Named external G-code subroutine call
M98 P"named_sub.ngc" L2
#1 = 10
#2 = 20
#3 = 30
#4 = -10
; Macro call support:
; - The arguments are loaded in the correspondent parameters.
; - When the call is finished the parameters 1-33 are restored to the value
;   they had before the call
; A = #1 
; B = #2
; C = #3
G65 P2 A3 B5 C2
IF [#4 EQ -10] THEN M109 P"Parameter 4 is restored to #4 when the macro is finished"
G65 P"named_sub.ngc" A3 B5 C2
; RosettaCnC supports user defined M codes with arguments [M200 - M299]
M200 A10 B5 C7.0
; "CALL" can be used as a more readable alias for G65.
CALL P"local_named_sub"
M2 ( Program End)
; RosettaCnC supports G-code subroutines:
( The following lines declare a subroutine with id 1                         )
( Subroutine body that contains G-code instructions                          )
G0 x0 y0 z0
G0 x0 y0 z50
G0 x0 y0 z0
( The following line define the end of the subroutine                        )
( Subroutine body can access and modify local parameters                     )
#4 = [[#1 + #2] * #3]
IF [#5 EQ #0] THEN M109 P"Parameter 5 has not been set when the macro has been called"
IF [#4 EQ 16] THEN M109 P"Parameter 4 is equal to #4"
( The following line define the end of the subroutine                        )
; Local named subroutines can be defined as follows, where:
; - "SUB" and "O" can be both used for the subroutine declaration
; - "ENDSUB" and "M99" can be both used for subroutine end
; - "RETURN" and "M99" can be both used to return from a subroutine
SUB "local_named_sub"
  G1 Y100
  IF [#1 EQ 0] THEN1
  • Last modified: 2023/03/22 09:07
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